Backend project Where's my money

Built with a 4-person development team

This is a backend project built with JavaScript, ExpressJS, EJS, PostgreSQL, Sequelize, Passport, jQuery, Chart.js, HTML, CSS, Bootstrap.

In this project, I am a primary developer to connect frontend pages to backend database such as storing login information, transaction records into database by using PostgreSQL, I am also a primary developer of the adding, editing and deleting transaction feature using Javascript, node, ExpressJS, Sequelize. In addition, I set up login page, dashboard page using HTML, CSS and Bootstrap for responsiveness.

The website allows users to create an account to record expenses and income to plan for budgets. In this website, users can visualize their expenses and income in charts and table. Transaction records can also be edited and deleted. All the data are collected in a database using PostgreSQL.

Click on the link below to see the code from GitHub.